Thursday, 3 May 2012

Honey, Honey

So, a few people have expressed concern about me with the arrival of each new Maybe, Matilda post. Apparently I seem a little sad, maybe even miserable. I suppose, given what I know is the usual tone of my writing, that it doesn't really surprise me. However, I assure you that this couldn't be further from the truth! I just seem to tend to be overcome with the urge to write when I'm upset, and this blog was the result. Anyway, to keep everyone from sending me sympathy cards, I decided to write a blog that shows my more usual cheerful side. My new blog doesn't contain so much of my writing, but will be about music that I love, wild moments with my children, and pins that I am obsessing over. I've really been enjoying having an outlet for these kinds of things, and the challenge of html and trying to find something actually interesting to write about...

Anyway, here it is! Honey, Honey.

P.S. Not like ABBA. I'm more of a title of a Feist song, lyrics to Coldplay's "God Put a Smile on Your Face", what I call my babies, I just liked the sound of it kind of girl.

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